Price List General Nursery Stock


# 1 gal. 5 gal. 15 gal.
Abelia Grandiflora 5.75 17.00 55.00
Acacia Desert Carpet 6.50 17.00
Acer Palmatum
Japanese Green Maple 9.25 45.00 95.00
Japanese Red Maple 169.99 225.00
*Agonis-After Dark 35.00 90.00
Acer Saccharinum
Acer Silver Maple 35.00 60.00
Acer-October Glory 55.00 95.00
Acer-October Glory 55.00 95.00
Agapanthus- Africanus 5.75 17.00
Agapanthus-Peterpan 5.75 17.00
Agapanthus-Elaine/Storm 7.50 18.50
*Agave-All Varieties 10.25 35.00 90.00
*Albizia – Mimosa
Standerd/Single 32.00 60.00
Alnus-White Alder 32.00 60.00
*Aloe Vera/Coral Aloe 9.50 27.00
Alstroemeria-Princess Lily 8.75
*Blue Hibiscus 6.50 17.50
Japanese Aralia 6.75 19.50
ASH – Fraxinus ALL 35.00 60.00
Arborvitae-All Varieties 6.75 18.50 55.00
*Artemesia 5.75 17.00
Aspidistra/Cast Iron 7.50 25.00
*Asparagus Meyeri 6.50 18.75
Astilbe 7.50 17.00
Aucuba Japonica 6.75 19.50
*Australian Willow 45.00 80.00
Azaleas Sun/Shade 9.50 27.00 70.00
Patio Tree 67.00 95.00

Tips for success with Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias, Hydrangeas, Japanese Maples & Edible Blueberries (In an alkaline soil.)

  1. Always be generous with ACID PLANTING MIX, when planting and at least once a year as a top-dress. We recommend Gardener & Bloom Acid Planting Mix.
  2. Fertilize with an IRON type fertilizer at least twice a year. This will help maintain a healthy green throughout the year. We recommend Ironite or Liquinox Iron & Zinc…
  3. Fertilize with Soil Acidifier type fertilizer about every 2 months, withholding ony at bloom time..
    Fertilizing during bloom can cause rapid flower loss… We recommend Gro-More Water Soluble Soil Acidifier or Kellogg’s Azalea Camellia Granulated Fertilizer…

*Water-wise plants indicated.


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Bamboo 47.00 80.00
Black Bamboo 75.00 110.00
Banana-Musa Red & Green 9.25 25.00 65.00
Barrel Cactus 49.00
Bauhinia/Orchid Tree 80.00
Hong Kong Orchid 115.00
Barberry 6.50 18.75
*Bearded Iris 6.50 18.50
Birch Tree
Birch Single 35.00 60.00
Birch Multi 45.00 85.00
Begonia-Richmondensis, Angelwing
Dragonwing 6.50
Bird of Paradise-Regular 7.00 21.00 65.00
Giant-Bird of Paradise 7.00 21.00 65.00
*Mexican-Bird of Paradise 6.75 30.00 65.00
Dwarf 7.50 18.75 65.00
Bush 7.25 18.75 55.00
Bottle Tree
Bracychiton 65.00
Bougainvillea 7.50 25.00 70.00
Boxwood-All Varieties 6.50 17.00 55.00
Brisbone Box-Tristania 35.00 65.00
Brunsfelsia – Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow
Dwarf / Regular 6.50 18.50
Bulbine 7.50 18.50
Butterfly Bush 5.75 17.00
Buddleia Tutti Frutti 27.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Cassia Artemisiodes 6.50 22.50
Cassia Outback 22.50
Golden Medallion 35.00 65.00
Calla Lily-White 6.75
Calla Lily-Colors 8.50
Calliandra 6.50 19.50 55.00
Sierra Starr 30.00
Camellias 10.25 32.50 95.00
Camphor Tree 35.00 65.00
Canna Lily 7.50 20.50
Carissa-Natal Plum
All Varieties 6.50 19.50
Standard Tree/ Multi 6.50 35.00 65.00
Ceanothus-Ca. Lilac 6.50 19.50
Atlantica 6.25 35.00 70.00
Deodora 6.25 35.00 70.00
*Cercis – Redbud
Canadicans/Occidentalis 35.00 70.00
Forest Pansy/Oklahoma 65.00 115.00
*Chitalpa 35.00 65.00
Chorisia-Silk Floss Tree 35.00 65.00
Clivia-Kaffir Lily Orange 11.50 27.50
Clivia-Kaffir Lily Yellow 13.25 30.00
Chilopsis-Desert Willow 35.00 65.00
Chrysactinia Mexicana 6.50
*Cotinus-Smoke tree 7.50 35.00 80.00
Coprosma-All Varieties 6.50 19.75
*Coral Bells-All Varieties 6.75
*Cordyline 7.50 19.50
Colored Cordyline 9.50 29.00
Cotoneaster-All Varieties 6.50 18.75
Cuphea-Heather 5.75 17.00
Italian/Leylandii 6.50 19.50 60.00
Tiny Towers 12.50 50.00 90.00
Crape Myrtle
All Standard/Multi 6.50 35.00 75.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Dasylirion 8.50 27.50
*Daylily-All 6.50 18.00
Diosma/Breath of Heaven
Golden 7.50 22.50
Green 6.50 18.50
Dianella-Flax Lily 7.50 27.50
*Dietes/Morea 5.75 17.00
Brazilian Sky Flower 6.50 19.50
Dodonea-Hopseed 5.75 17.00 55.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Elephant Ear Alocasia 9.50 27.50
Elephant Ear Black 12.50 35.00
Elm-All Varieties Ulmus 35.00 65.00
Bronze 32.00 70.00
Escallonia Fradesii 5.75 17.00 55.00
Newport Dwarf 6.50 19.50
*Eucalyptus All Varieties 35.00 60.00
Myrtifolia/Compacto 6.50 18.75 60.00
2-Tier 60.00 97.50
3-Tier 85.00 115.00
*Euphorbia Gopher Plant 7.50 27.00
*Eremophila-Blue Bells 25.00
Euonymus-All 6.50 18.50 55.00
Euryops Daisy 5.75 17.00
Evening Primrose 6.50 17.50


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Ferns Ferns Assorted 8.50 24.00 70.00
Benjamina 7.50 32.00 85.00
Nitida-All 7.50 30.00 70.00
*Flax-PhormiumGreen/Bronze 6.50 18.50 60.00
Jack Spratt/ Tom Thumb 7.50 22.50/td>

Colored Variety Flax 12.00 32.00 65.00
Fountain Grass-Pennisetum
Green/Red 7.50 18.00
Firework 7.50 18.00
Flowering Cherry 45.00 85.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Mystery / Vetchii 6.50 19.50 60.00
G. Radicans – Dwarf 7.50 25.00
Ginko Biloba-Maidenhair Tree 45.00 75.00
*Gleditsia-Honey Locust Tree 35.00 65.00
Goldenrain Tree 35.00 65.00
*Grevillea-Bush All Varieties 6.50 18.50
Grewia Lav. Starflower 6.50 18.50
Grewia-Staked 6.50 25.00
Germander 6.50 18.00
Genesta Sweet Broom 18.50


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Hamelia 7.50 22.00
Hibiscus 6.50 18.50 55.00
Hibiscus Blue-Alyogne 6.50 18.50
Honeysuckle-Lonicera Halls 6.50 18.50
Honeysuckle-Pam Pink 20.50
Holly-Ilex All Varieties 6.50 18.50 60.00
Hosta-All Varieties 8.50
Horsetail-Equisetum 7.50 20.00
Hydrangea 8.50 24.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Jacaranda-Multi Trunk/Single 6.50 35.00 65.00
*Jade Plant 9.25 26.00 65.00
Sambac 6.50 20.50 47.00
– Night Bloom 6.50 20.50
Star Jasmine-Bush 5.75 17.00 55.00
Star Jasmine-Staked 6.75 25.00 65.00
*Juncus 6.50 16.00
Junipers All 6.50 19.50 55.00
Spiral Juniper 175.00
Juniper Upright 27.00 80.00
Blue Point Spartan Hollywood


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Kniphofia-Red Hot Poker 6.50 18.50
Paniculata-Golden Rain 35.00 65.00
Kangaroo Paw 6.50 21.50


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Lantana 5.75 17.00 50.00
Laurus Nobilis-Bay Nobilis 6.50 22.50 65.00
Standard Bay Tree 35.00 75.00
*Lavender-All Varieties 5.75 17.00
*Leonotis-Lions Tail 6.50 18.50
Leptospermum-Tea Tree 6.50 18.50 55.00
Lomandra 6.50 19.75
Lemon Grass 6.50 18.50
Ligustrum-Privet 5.75 17.00 55.00
Column Privet 17.50 70.00
2-Tier/3-Tier 35.00 85.00
Liquidamber-Regular 6.50 35.00 65.00
Palo Alto/Burgundy 45.00 85.00
Lilac-Syringa 12.50 27.50
Liriope-All Varieties 6.50 17.50
Loropetalum 8.00 24.50


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Magnolia Grandiflora 35.00 65.00
St. Mary’s Dwarf 65.00 115.00
Magnolia Litte Gem 65.00 115.00
Melampodium Lenconthemum 6.25
*Mesquite 90.00
Milk Weed 7.50 19.50
Moraea 5.75 17.00
*Mulberry-Morus Alba 35.00 65.00
Myrtle-All Varieties 6.50 18.00
Mexican Petunia 6.50 19.50
Muhlenbergia/Pink Mully 6.50 20.50


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Nandina Domestica 5.75 17.00 55.00
Nana Firepower 6.50 20.50 70.00
Gulf Stream 9.25 23.00 70.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Olive Al lBush or Tree 6.50 35.00 85.00
Oleander Bush 5.75 17.00
Ocotillo 55.00
Sweet Olive 8.00 27.50
Opuntia-Cactus All Varieties 39.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Pampas Grass 6.50 18.00
*Palo Verde 39.00 95.00
*Pepper Tree
California Standard/Multi 6.50 35.00 65.00
Philodendron Selloum 6.50 19.50
Philodendron “Xanadu” 7.50 22.50
Photinia Fraseri-Bush 5.75 17.00 55.00
Photinia-Standard Tree 65.00
*Pistache-Chinese 65.00
*Pistache-Red Push 115.00
Pineapple Guava 6.50 30.00 70.00
Pittosporum All 5.75 17.00 55.00
Nigricans – Sliver Sheen 7.50 35.00 75.00
Acerfolia-London Plane 60.00
Racemosa-California 60.00
Plumbago Capensis 6.50 18.00
Podocarpus-Yew Pine Family 6.50 19.75 65.00
P. Icy Blue 55.00 125.00
Poplar-Cottonless Cottonwood 60.00
Prunus Evergreen
Carolina Cherry 22.50 65.00
Bright n Tight 27.00 75.00
Purple Flowering Plum 35.00 60.00
Flowering Cherry 45.00 90.00
Pyrus-Flowering Pear
Bradford-Dec. 39.00 75.00
Bush 6.50 18.75 55.00
Staked 6.50 26.00 55.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Quercus-Oak All Varieties 55.00 105.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Rhaphiolepis-Indian Hawthorne All Varieties 5.75 17.00 55.00
*Majestic Beauty 6.50 22.50 60.00
*Majestic Beauty-Std. Tree 55.00 85.00
*Rhus Lancea-African Sumac 60.00
*Rockrose-Cistus 6.50 20.50
*Rosemary 6.50 17.00 55.00
Rose of Sharon-Althea 18.50 55.00
Russelia-Coral Fountain 6.50 19.75


1gal Roses 7.00
5gal White Iceberg Rose Sale 13.99
5gal All Bush 29.50
5gal Climbing Roses 35.00
5gal Patio 24” Tree 45.00
5gal Std. 36” Tree 65.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Sage-All Varieties 6.50 17.00
Sequoia-All Varieties 75.00
Solanum Bush 5.75 17.00
Solanum Staked 7.50 25.00
*Society Garlic-Green Var. 5.75 17.00
*Statice-Sea Lavendar 5.75 17.00
*Strawberry Tree-Arbutus 65.00 115.00
Sweet Pea Dwf 6.75 19.00
*Stipa 6.50 17.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Tecoma Stans-All Varieties 6.75 22.50 60.00
*Texas Ranger-All Varieties 6.50 20.00
Tecomaria/Cape Honeysuckle 6.50 18.00
*Teucrium 6.50 18.00
Teucrium Azureum 22.00
Tipuana-Tipu Tree 40.00 70.00
*Tristainia-Brisbane Box 35.00 65.00
Tupidanthus 6.50 20.00 80.00
Tetraneuris Acaulis 6.75
Trellised Material
General Stock 36”x36” 60.00 105.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Ulmus-Elm Tree 35.00 65.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Bouganvillea 7.50 26.00 70.00
Bower-Pink/White 7.50 26.00 70.00
Trumpet Vine
Lavender or Red 7.50 26.00 70.00
Creeping Fig 7.50 26.00 70.00
Carolina Jasmine 7.50 26.00 70.00
Jasmine-Star Staked 7.50 26.00 70.00
Jasmine-Pink 7.50 26.00 70.00
Honeysuckle 7.50 26.00 70.00
Mandevilla/Dipladenia 9.50 26.00 70.00
Rosa Banks 7.50 26.00 70.00
*Wisteria Vine 10.50 27.50 80.00
Vibirnum 7.50 18.50 70.00
Vibirnum-Snowball 25.00 85.00
Vitex 9.50 22.00 85.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
White Evening Primrose 6.50
Weeping Willow-Salix 35.00 65.00
*Westringia 6.50 18.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Xylosma All 5.75 17.00 50.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
*Yarrow-Achillea 6.75
Yucca Red-Hesperaloe 7.50 20.50
Yucca Yellow-Hesperaloe 27.00
Yucca Desert Flamenco-Hesperaloe 27.00
Yucca Brakelights-Hesperaloe 35.00
Yucca-Colorguard 9.50 29.00 75.00


1 Gallon 5 Gallon 15 Gallon
Zephyranthes 6.50
18” & 24” curved scalloped edging $4.49
24”Straight Scalloped Edging $2.99

Wood Products

Lodge Poles
8’ $6.95
10’ $8.95
Rubber Ties
32’ .90
Green Tape
½” Tape $1.90
1” Tape $2.90
Plant/Tree Stakes
½”x ½”x 24” .60
½”x ½”x 4” .90
1”x 1”x 5’ 2.50
1”x 1”x 6’ 2.75
1 ¾”x1 ¾”x 8’ $4.50
Wood Tree Boxes
24” Box $40.00
30” Box $60.00

Sell New/Used Pots

Size New Used
1GAL. .40 .25
3 & 5 GAL. 1.35 1.00
7 GAL. 5.00 3.00
14” POT 6.50 3.50
15 GAL. 5.25 3.75
17” POT 9.00 5.50
20” POT 13.50 9.50
24” POT 14.00 12.00
4” .35 .25
6” .50 .30
8” 1.00 .60
10” 3.00 1.75
FLATS New-1.25 Used-.75
6/p or 4” Sheet New 1.50

Containers – Credit Return

We no longer accept used Pots